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Metro Experience

Metro Experience

Submitted By Christian Dierks (Clartee)


Inspired by Microsoft's Metro UI language, this is my first submission to Adiumxtras. This is a message-style still in development and needs some further adjustments, but these are the features so far:
  • 5 different colour-schemes
  • chose between a dark and light version or choose your own background-colour
  • completely css-designed speech-bubbles, no images used

The planned features for the next releases so far:
  • always visible header (so you can see a picture of your chat-buddy)
  • status-formatting
  • additional colour-schemes

Because this is my very first upload, any improvement-suggestions are very much appreciated.

I hope you'll enjoy this upload, thanks for downloading it!



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# by maya923 on 06/08/12 at 22:55:29

I registered specifically to comment about this!
I love it so much! I cannot wait til the icon view gets fixed, woo!

# by Clartee on 06/09/12 at 21:11:10

Wow, thank you so much for this comment! It encourages me to continue this work as fast as possible! ;D

# by Nakimi69 on 06/12/12 at 23:24:06

Well done! Looking forward to the next colour batches. Can we change the type/size of font for this msg style?
Keep up the good work! (^__^)

# by maya923 on 07/15/12 at 22:46:11

Clartee, is it possible this doesn't show the correct color schemes on Mountain Lion?

# by Clartee on 07/15/12 at 22:57:03

Hey maya923, I'm not quite sure what you are talking about. I also use Mountain Lion and you can change the Colour Scheme on Adium by klicking on "Adium" -> "Preferences". In the preference-window you can choose colour-variant. You can select on of the five different colour-schemes, all with an optional light or dark background. Hope that will help you. Are the colour-schemes different from those in the preview?

By the way: I'm pretty busy at work at the moment. On my way to work in the sub I always scribble some new variants, I plan to bring out an update the next week ;D

# by Clartee on 07/15/12 at 22:59:52

(This means I haven't recognized any problems with the style. I use it everyday)

# by maya923 on 07/15/12 at 23:03:59

Yay, an update, woo! I'm excited.
I take back what I said, I should try typing in an IM prior to saying something, tee her! My bad.
Everything's still AOK!

# by maya923 on 07/15/12 at 23:01:47

Never mind, I take that back. My bad!!!

# by Clartee on 07/15/12 at 23:04:25

No problem ;D

# by moon56555 on 10/23/12 at 14:47:37

how to start a college essay.
I take back what I said, I should try typing in an IM prior to saying something, tee her! My bad.
Everything's still AOK!

# by rantdepot on 01/03/13 at 09:03:55

This is a great theme, but I would suggest tightening up the message boxes to be more compact. Currently, each message takes up two rows, I feel like this could be squeezed into one row. The person's name could be left out. I would also love it if timestamps were only visible upon mouseover, although I realize that's not the popular option around here.

# by toron on 03/15/14 at 10:43:35

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Current Version: 0.5
Last Updated: 06/05/12