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Submitted By Mareo Raft (mareoraft)


These Status Icons imitate iChat. I recommend using them with my iChat Contact List Style.

IMPORTANT: To install, you may need to DOWNLOAD the file, unzip it, and then MOVE THE FILES TO (home folder)/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Status Icons/

For further iChat look and feel, iCandy is very similar to iChat, but I also recommend AdiumyChat 1.9 and Adium Matte Message Style. Other iChat like message styles can be found here, here, here, here, and here. This should fit iChat's icons exactly (tested for Snow Leopard, but should work for every setup).

For your information, if you ever wanted to change ICHAT'S icons, there is a wonderful program called ThemePark which allows you to change images used in the OSXs theme template. I do not know if ThemePark will work with Lion.

For "Window Style:" in the Appearance tab, you must use Regular Window. I also recommend checking "Size to fit vertically", NOT checking the horizontal one, and setting "Maximum Width:" to 235px. Under Advanced > Contact List, make sure you have "Show window shadow" checked.

feedback appreciated


1.0 - Initial release of iChat Status Icons
1.2 - Added "typing", "entered text", "mobile" and "content" icons
1.3 - Changed "content" icon to a softer blue, made "content" and "mobile" icons use translucency correctly so they look good on ANY background
1.4 - Added "blocked" and "busy" icons


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150.62kb (894 downloads)

4.70 / 3 votes
Current Version: 1.4
Last Updated: 08/28/12