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Display Name Randomiser

Display Name Randomiser

Submitted By Tom Allen (Schwolop)


Annoy your friends with the 10%-new Display Name Randomiser! This script takes your nickname and concatenates the output of one of several AppleScripts to produce an almost endless supply of names, primarily for sticking in your display name to annoy other people. It uses edited versions of Adium iTunes Controller, Random Pun, US National Debt, Googlismifier, Yo Mamma Insult Generator, and a few scripts of my own.

Tell me what you think...

Version 1.1 Adds support for maximum output lengths. This is done by a recursive search for an output which will fit when concatenated to your nickname. Thus if your nickname is very long, there will be less allowable outputs and the search will take considerably longer. I've arbitrarily limited nickname length to 100 characters, as this limits run time to about 30 seconds at most. I agree this is absurd, but so is having a nickname that long!

Version 1.2 - Adds support for announcements in the nickname, you can manipulate the additional weighting, and text by editing the script. I should probably rewrite the script to have optional input parameters but I'm busy with other projects at present...

Version 1.3 includes Zaudragon's delay time feature to reduce the computer load.

Usage - %_displayname{nickname,announcement,delay}


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# by Reikon on 11/26/04 at 22:43:25

Haha nice :)

# by on 12/20/04 at 22:38:27

how use this???

# by on 12/21/04 at 11:45:11

Place instead of your display name, the string "%_displayname{Lisandro}" without the quotes. It then produces random crap pretty much... I suggest you edit the predefined parts in the first 30 lines of the source script to customise it to your taste. If you don't know how to do that, check the forum, or deal with it as is.

# by Jonno Riekwel on 12/28/04 at 23:20:13

good script :-D

# by on 03/30/05 at 11:32:54

Nice script, i'm wondering how i can edit it/ personalise it a bit, as it won't open in apple script editor "could not insert text because the text would be longer than the maximum possible length."

I would edit it via script editor then resave/install it... wouldn't i?

# by edgr on 05/10/05 at 09:33:40

benji: Try getting the free Smile script editor from
It can handle scripts bigger than 32k, which apple's editor cannot.

# by Schwolop on 06/12/05 at 22:49:47

benji/edgr - yes that was the editor I used to create it. I agree it's stupidly large, but I can't be bothered seperating it. I've made a new version which adds Zaudragon's delay timer, but for some reason I can't upload it. I'll try again later...

# by zaudragon on 06/21/05 at 21:21:35

Ohhhh… cool! You used my delay system! It isn't the best, but works :D

# by zaudragon on 06/21/05 at 21:22:07

Heh, my name is cut off in the credits

# by tim on 06/22/05 at 12:40:13


# by on 07/01/05 at 05:23:26

I saw this yoda sentence generator thingy on the apple downloads site and was wondering if anyone could make and AppleScript for Adium that does the same thing

# by Anonymous on 07/14/05 at 14:24:12

Display name-does this mean MSN display name? or something else? If MSN, i'd love to know what the applescript is to change it, I'm sure it's not in the Adium dictionary..

# by on 07/21/05 at 21:41:29

Well, I use it for an MSN name, but presumably it works in ICQ and AIM as well. Just include any adium script's function call in your name and it'll get parsed by adium.

# by fh2level on 06/29/06 at 02:49:27

where am I inputing this %_displayname{nickname,announcement,delay}? Sorry yes I am new at this

# by JonClone on 10/10/11 at 09:30:05

I think this posting is funny. Imagine annoying friends with the Display Name Randomiser! It is something which is different and I guess some may try out for the fun of it. With Groupon and its clones going around in the world wide web I feel many would be using coupons and getting discounts for many products and services.

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112.41kb (3682 downloads)

3.50 / 92 votes
Current Version: 1.3
Last Updated: 07/10/05
This script uses edited parts of the following : -- Adium iTunes Controller, and YoMamma Insult Generator by r e i k o n-- Mikkel Paulson's Googlismifier, National Debt Script by lief (ihaveabellybutton), RandomPun by Tim, and finally Zaudragon's delayer