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Submitted By Auric Goldfinger (auric)


There was a magnificent santa claus upload by BlueRevolution, but I didn't felt comfortable with that fake-looking santa. Comments were "you can almost see the elastic on that beard" but what if you like a "real looking" santa. So I created my own version from scratch (but I did find the same hat as BlueRevolution!)

I created three versions - as you can see:
1) a normal santa, without mustache
2) a normal santa, with mustache
3) a "fun" version with an oversized mustache

You can use it now... Saint Nicolas is gone now anyway.

EDIT: The mustache of the "fun" version is moving along with the wings...


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# by BlueRevolution on 12/08/04 at 07:45:16

nice work... love the moustache!

# by zaudragon on 12/14/04 at 00:51:22

The third is just crazy... lol i can only see the eyes of adiumy!

# by encrypted on 02/18/07 at 04:07:12

hahaha this is great!

# by Beaeuge on 10/02/07 at 22:17:22

oooo awesome!! hahahaha love da big mustache... although i would probably just use da regular mustache xDD i use dis one for xmas... yes i use a differnt duck for differnt seasons!

# by elliud on 11/22/08 at 11:48:30

good job!

# by auric on 11/22/08 at 17:13:49

Thanks! Just for your information, on there's version 2 of this one :)

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Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 12/07/04