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Joke of the Day

Joke of the Day

Submitted By Kevin Wojniak (kainjow)


Displays a joke for each day.



Rewrote code in PHP... if I can figure out how to call the script locally, it'd work much better.. :)



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# by on 01/03/05 at 07:56:12

Hi, today the Daily Joke script stopped working... when i type the command Adium hangs for a while then back to normal (but no output joke in the window)

# by on 06/30/05 at 18:11:34

Yup, I have the same problem.

# by on 07/11/05 at 08:36:30

yeah same with me

# by Reikon on 11/24/05 at 18:52:32

To run a php script locally, do (in applescript) do shell script "/usr/bin/php /path/to/file.php"

an example for your script would be...

do shell script "/usr/bin/php \"~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Scripts/JokeOfTheDay.AdiumScripts/Contents/Resources/JokeOfTheDay.php\""

# by kainjow on 11/25/05 at 00:29:26

Ah sweet, thanks. I knew how to run a script, I just didn't know the best way to reference it's path... I guess absolute paths is the only way :)

# by Reikon on 11/25/05 at 09:16:10

Nah... In applescript..

set thisVar to path to me
set thisVar to quoted POSIX path of thisVar

^^ Quoted POSIX path to the directory that has your script, otherwise it's an alias..

You can remove the quoted portion but it's better to use quoted in case it has spaces, etc.

Like if it were on my desktop thisVar would be:


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3.20 / 43 votes
Current Version: 0.2
Last Updated: 11/08/05
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