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Last.fm Current Track |
Submitted By Justin Williams (justinrw) |
DescriptionDisplay the current track you are playing in Last.fm. Puck's script was using the older API so I updated it to the new one to get the current track instead of just the last track that ended. I removed the 'time since' part of the script to make it work like the iTunes style status system.Usage Put the following in your name, status message or message: %_lastfm Customization You can change the text easily by doing the following: Go to "Users/'your mac username'/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Scripts/" Rightclick on "Lastfm.AdiumScripts" select "Show Package Contents" Go to "Contents/Recources/" Open "Lastfm.scpt" (doubleclick) Find the line starting with "set info" and change it to how you like it Save the AppleScript Restart Adium! Disclaimer I'm not responsible for anything that could affect you or your computer when using this script. ChangesVersion 0.4couple of bug fixes to make it work a little better with fetching the info locally. still not perfect by any means but as good as I think I'm going to get. I really don't use Last.fm any more now that Pandora is sort of available for mac now using adobe air. Anyone is welcome to use the code for their own as long as you keep all the comments in the file. Version 0.3 added - Completely removed fetching now, it is now getting it all locally. The upside is it doesn't have to keep fetching for song info from the web, the downside is their logging locally doesn't seem to show if a current track is playing or not so it'll currently always show whatever the last track was. I'm still trying to decide which is the best way to reset the status when you stop playing. update - Be aware with the new changes, the status command has changed. It is now %_lastfm instead of %_lastfmtrack and you no longer need the username and the delay. Version 0.2 added - Status resets to blank after stopping Last.fm for awhile similar to iTunes mode updated - Fetch code from Last.fm to not hammer them as bad. A delay set to 3 or more is recommended CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by justinrw on 01/06/09 at 19:08:21I think I broke it with the new fetch code, I should have a fix for it by tomorrow. Just been crazy at work post-holidays.
# by justinrw on 01/10/09 at 08:13:27still not sure what is going on. it tests fine as an applescript, but just explodes when activated in adium.
# by justinrw on 01/10/09 at 17:28:43still no luck so far, I even went ahead and changed it over to run just locally so it doesn't even fetch anything now and still no luck. went back to an old working version and it doesn't work either so I think there is something weird going on with adium. even started a new preference folder and still doesn't work. # by DVSwede on 02/11/09 at 18:28:23Any updated to this? I would love to use this add-on as it's stays more current then the other last.fm one.
# by norz on 04/12/09 at 12:30:35Where does is the current track taken from? From the official last.fm client?
I'm using several different apps to scrobble (iTunes, Spotify, foobar2000, iScrobbler), so I'd like to display the same track that is displayed on my last.fm profile, is that possible? # by norz on 04/12/09 at 12:54:02Found what I was looking for:
http://www.adiumxtras.com/index.php?a...tra_id=5604 Post a New CommentYou must be logged in to post comments. |
# by berror on 01/06/09 at 15:41:54
Does it have something to do with the plugin, or is it last.fm that changed something?